Register your Android app with Blueshift

Provides information how to register your app with Blueshift so that you can run campaigns and send promotional messages to your customers who use your iOS app.

To be able to send messages to mobile apps, ensure that your applications are registered with us as a channel on the Blueshift app. Before you can register your app, you must obtain the FCM Server key from your Firebase project.

Get the Authorization key

The Firebase/Google Cloud app Server Key is required to set up integration with Blueshift. To get the Server key, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to and select your Firebase project.
  2. Go to Project Settings by clicking the gear icon next to Project Overview.
  3. Go to the Cloud Messaging tab and to the Cloud Messaging API (Legacy) section.
  4. If the Cloud Messaging API (Legacy) section shows as disabled, click the three dots for the section to open the Google Cloud Console.
  5. Click ENABLE to enable Cloud Messaging API (Legacy).
  6. Refresh the Cloud Messaging tab.
  7. Copy the server key provided in the Cloud Messaging API (Legacy) section. Use this key as the Authorization Key for the adapter in Blueshift.

Set up a channel to register the app

To setup a channel, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to the Blueshift dashboard.
  2. Click Apps in the left navigation menu.
  3. Go to All Apps, search for, and select Blueshift Push. You can also go to Mobile Marketing Apps and select Blueshift Push.
  4. Click Configure to view existing adapters and to add new adapters.
  1. Click Configure to view existing adapters and to add new adapters.

Single App Accounts

These are accounts that allow you to add only one app per platform. You will be provided with one adapter to register both Android and iOS apps.

You will need the following information to register an Android app.

a. Once you have the information, click Edit Adapter to edit an existing adapter.
b. Add the required information and click Save.
c. You can set the adapter as the default adapter. The default adapter is used for test push sends/campaign sends if no adapter is selected.


Multi App Accounts

These are accounts that allow you to add multiple apps per platform. You can create multiple adapters to register multiple apps.

You will need the following information to register an Android app.

  • Application Name: This is the name of your application.
  • Package Name: The package name of your application. This is the key to uniquely identify the application.
  • Authorization Key: This is the FCM Server key that you obtained from your Firebase project.

a. Click +ADAPTER to add a new adapter or click Edit Adapter to edit an existing adapter.
b. Add a Name for the new adapter.
c. Add the required information and click Save.
d. You can set the adapter as the default adapter. The default adapter is used for test push sends/campaign sends if no adapter is selected.


If you have an iOS version of this app and you want to register it with us so that you can send notifications to your iOS app’s users using our platform, click + ADD APNS APPLICATION and perform the steps described in Register your iOS app with Blueshift.

That’s it. You can proceed to the next steps.