Summary of events

Use this endpoint to get a summary of counted events. By default, this endpoint returns data for the last 7 days.

Try it out

  1. Add the User API key as the Username and leave the Password field blank.
  2. Click the Base URL dropdown and select the API endpoint URL for your Blueshift region.
  3. Click Try It.

You can also try the API using Blueshift's API collection in Postman.

API a glance

You can view your event stream on the clickstream page. You will also be able to look at errors and download the error logs.

Sample response and explanation of each component

  "events_chart_stats": {
    "archives": {
    "error": {
      "invalid_user_attributes": [
      "missing_identifier": [
    "events": {
      "add_to_cart": [
      "subscription_update": [
    "timelapse": [
  "stats": {
    "add_to_cart": {
      "archived": false,
      "count": 310,
      "display_name": "add_to_cart",
      "properties": {
      "type": "standard"
    "subscription_update": {
      "archived": false,
      "count": 190,
      "display_name": "subscription_update",
      "properties": {
      "type": "custom_event"
  "status": "ok",
  "timestamp_end": "2018-10-18T06:59:59.999Z",
  "timestamp_start": "2018-10-16T07:00:00.000Z"

The response body contains the following data:

Event count

Returns the count for each event received by Blueshift. The stats key contains the details on each event. You need to filter for type == standard or custom_event.

  "stats": {
    "subscription_update": {
      "archived": false,
      "count": 190,
      "display_name": "subscription_update",
      "properties": {
      "type": "custom_event"

Event distribution count

Returns event count distribution by day. The timelapse attribute contains the dates in MM/DD format.

  "events_chart_stats": {
      "customer_subscription_current_add": [
    "timelapse": [

Event processing errors

Returns the error count and also the distribution of error type by day.

  "stats": {
    "missing_identifier": {
      "archived": false,
      "count": 7,
      "display_name": "Missing Identifier",
      "properties": {
      "type": "event_error"


Here's more information on different event processing errors below.

Error typeDescription
es_index_errorIndexing Error. This usually happens when there is a data type mismatch between the event payload and our backend system. For example, you passed a string value for a date parameter.
event_name_missingThe event is missing the required attribute ('event').
event_verification_errorThis is applicable only if the event verification feature is enabled. The event signature verification has failed.
invalid_customer_idThe customer_id is invalid. For example: '0', customer_id greater than 64 characters.
invalid_device_idThe device is invalid. It does not match the device_id format for the iOS or Android device.
invalid_emailEmail is invalid.
invalid_event_attributesThere are some invalid attributes in the event payload. For example, event name is greater than 100 characters, some attributes contain script tag etc.
invalid_productProduct not found in catalog.
invalid_user_attributesPayload has invalid user attributes. For example, invalid gender value etc.
missing_identifierMissing customer identifier such as a cookie, device_ids, email, email_hash, or retailer_customer_id.
missing_productA whitelisted product/catalog event is missing the product/catalog_ids in the payload.
parsing_errorBlueshift was unable to parse the JSON payload.
transaction_indexing_errorThere was an error while updating the transaction record.
unknown_errorSome unexpected processing error, contact Blueshift for more information.
user_lock_errorWe were unable to acquire a lock on the user.
user_not_found_errorThe user was not found in our system.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!